Sometimes, Keeping Floors Clean in Winter is a Job for Professionals

Keeping floors clean in winter can be a difficult task, especially in places like Columbus, Ohio. It’s enough to make some homeowners consider the sort of professional help offered by Fedco Floor Services, even if they never would have dreamt of it in months with warmer weather.

It’s admirable if you pride yourself on a DIY approach to basic home maintenance throughout the year. But we encourage you to recognize that there’s no shame in calling in the professionals to go above and beyond what you can accomplish with ordinary household materials.

You wouldn’t hesitate to seek professional help if you had a problem with wiring or plumbing, would you? Why should keeping floors clean in winter be any different? Ordinarily, floor cleaning doesn’t seem like something that requires any special skills. But circumstances can turn it from a simple task into a potential catastrophe. It’s like the difference between a simple clog and a burst pipe. One you’d handle on your own, and one you absolutely wouldn’t.

The cutoff point between “DIY-ready” and “send in the cavalry” may be a little vaguer when it comes to keeping floors clean in winter. That only goes to show that different customers have different breaking points at which they decide to call Fedco Floor Services for a professional cleaning.

Water damage is certainly a motivating factor in a lot of these decisions. New home owners are particularly liable to underestimate the extent to which water is penetrating surfaces during a snowy Ohio winter. In spring and summer, it’s easy to avoid water damage by mopping up rain as soon as it puddles on hardwood. But in winter, that water tends to enter your home in its frozen form, often hiding underneath the soles of shoes until it can melt and spread unnoticed.

Of course, water is not the only hazard that those shoes are tracking in. Well-maintained roads in a town like Columbus are constantly full of salt after the weather dips below freezing. This can be abrasive to some surfaces when spread around by foot traffic, especially in places where water has already made those surfaces vulnerable.

With that in mind, the challenge for an Ohio homeowner is not just keeping floors clean in winter but also minimizing, preventing, and ultimately repairing the damage caused by wintertime wear-and-tear. If that sounds like a lot to handle on your own, it probably is. So if you come obtain contact information from professional cleaners when the weather is still nice, you might want to hold onto it and wait for a change.

If it seems like a lot of hassle to even hire professional cleaners, it might be time for you to revise your choices of flooring, in favor of something more resistant to seasonal effects.

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