About Us

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and serving the greater Columbus area, Fedco Floor Services has enjoyed a wide range of commercial and residential clients, with demands that range from wood and laminate flooring installation, to tiling, carpeting, and professional cleaning.

We have dedicated staff members who possess expertise in each of our services, and they are prepared to offer you a free and detailed quote for your installation or cleaning project. Although our services cover a great deal of ground in Ohio, we are prepared to design a work plan that perfectly accommodates your schedule and ultimately adds you to our list of satisfied clients.

You can find testimonials from those clients on this very site. And if none of them reflect the types of surfaces or installation spaces that will be involved in your project, you can contact us to discuss the range of our experience.

That experience ranges from elegant and sprawling homes to commercial kitchens to high-traffic showrooms and retail spaces. Consequently, you can be confident in our ability to help you achieve the best balance of various important factors, including cost, durability, and the overall aesthetics of your newly installed floor.