Fedco Floor Services, Providing Fresh Material For Your… Walls?

What would you say if we told you Fedco Floor Services could provide upgrades to your other interior surfaces, as well? If you think that would mean our company is misnamed, bear in mind: the upgrades that we’re talking about still consist of flooring material. We’re just floating you the idea of putting them on your walls instead?

Does that sound crazy? Plenty of people would say it does. In fact, plenty of people did say so recently, when the topic came up on social media. But some of those people changed their tune once they actually saw examples of people installing laminate flooring on their walls, to give the impression of wood paneling.

Admittedly, this isn’t something we’ve personally encountered in the homes of any Fedco Floor Services clients. But if social media is any indication, these laminate walls are an emerging trend. So we wouldn’t be at all surprised if a Columbus homeowner contacted us at some point to request laminate flooring without actually wanting to have it installed.

Frankly, we’re intrigued by the concept. For one thing, it fits right in with our passion for saving our clients money, since it emulates very expensive wood panel walls at a fraction of the price. This blog has already promoted the fiscal benefits of opting for laminates or other alternatives in place of hardwood floors. Why not apply that same frugality to walls?

For that matter, why not go further? There is probably a wealth of flooring options in the Fedco Floor Services catalog which could be re-purposed for other aspects of your home. On Facebook and Instagram, some participants in the laminate wall debate even confessed to using stick-on floor tiles in much the same way. That’s not surprising, since tile flooring is a feature of plenty of DIY craft projects, and can certainly be used on other isolated surfaces like a kitchen backsplash.

If this sort of out-of-the-box thinking appeals to you, then you don’t even need to limit yourself to new materials. The concept of alternative use goes hand-in-hand with that of up-cycling, and we can imagine good reasons why Fedco Floor Services clients might ask us to replace an old floor but avoid disposing of used slats that are still in good repair.

If you currently have a hardwood floor that’s due for replacement, but you’re also interested in a distressed wood panel aesthetic on one or more walls of your home, why not think about having that old floor professional cleaned before being uninstalled? If picking through old planks and fitting them onto a new surface sounds like a fun DIY project to you, Fedco Floor Services is more than happy to help make it happen.

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