Attract Area Newcomers with Trendy Columbus Flooring

We have to admit we’re always eager to talk about Columbus flooring in the context of the region’s ongoing growth. The latest opportunity seemed to arise recently when Columbus Business First contributed a new piece to the chorus of voices praising central Ohio for its attractiveness to entrepreneurs and on-the-rise professionals.

It’s not as though we think any of these people are coming here specifically to enjoy Columbus flooring. But we’re attuned to the fact that there are a lot of little things that help a person to choose where they’re going to set down roots. And local homes, each with their own Columbus flooring, are competing more and more furiously to attract the attention of people who are coming here to expand their businesses or advance their careers.

When we play a role in upgrading a home or rental property, we try to make Columbus flooring seem like foundation on which to build a new life. We know that some recent transplants to the area will want to be able to live and/or work in a space that looks as trendy and new as the region itself. The choice of flooring is one of the first things they’ll notice when they walk through the door of an empty residence or office. And while it won’t be enough to seal the deal on its own, it can set the tone for the ensuing walk-through.

The Business First article pointed to a few specific examples of young professionals relocating to Columbus. They included one who had previously resided in New York and “felt New York City apartments weren’t offering much in return for high rent.” He later conceded that rent in downtown Columbus wasn’t all that much less than what he was used to, but the quality of life was an improvement.

Consider what these sorts of people are comparing. The same budget might get you a decent but comparatively out-of-date apartment in New York, or a shining-new rental space in Ohio. Again, Columbus flooring can help to sell an image of the local area as a place where high-earners can settle in and start to thrive. It just depends on property owners doing a bit of research into the types of flooring and other features that people expect when coming here from larger cities.

We at Fedco Floor Services have already handled a number of jobs that involve that sort of research. And we’ve acquired some knowledge of what sorts of renters snatched up other spaces that we’ve worked on recently. We can help you to understand what is likely to be most appealing to your target renters or homebuyers and to customize those spaces accordingly.

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